Himanshu Tripathi

A Pet doesn’t just bring companionship to the house but it brings a lot of responsibility also. Our four-legged friend requires love, care, attention, and a comfortable & safe environment to live in. Getting a pet is a whole new and different experience altogether.

Generally, people take the rash decision of getting a pet without doing any pre-planning which can bring negative consequences with it. Without any planning, this pleasant experience can turn hectic and bring a lot of tension that no one wants. 

All we are indicating towards - Turning your beautiful house into a compatible, comfortable place for your new beloved member of your family before welcoming them.

Common Mistakes Pet Owners Makes

Himanshu Tripathi

Each year a lot of people become pet owners. Adopting a pet is a responsibility on its own. Having a pet is not just about buying it and the owners’ job is not done here. 

Actually, that’s where the real test begins. Here we not saying that adopting a pet is difficult but our solo intention behind saying, is that “It’s a commitment to the huge responsibility”. They can be high maintenance, loud, irritating, expensive and in certain situations “sometimes” they can be dangerous also.

Pets are like infants, they will not tell you anything. You’ll have to figure out yourself about their needs and etc and fulfill the necessary one without any delay.

If you think, you are ready to take all the responsibility then definitely go for it otherwise DON’T (as of now). As I said, pets are like Infant so for that, you need a little research, planning, and preparation.

Dog Collar vs. Harness- Which is best for your Pet ?

Himanshu Tripathi

Buying collars or harnesses can be confusing. Don’t worry you’re not alone in this. With proper guidance from a subject matter expert, you can ace this skill also. Here we have explained dogs' collars and harnesses with their pros and cons. Let us begin the fun pawducation (edu.)

Dog Collars looks like an effortless purchase but in reality, the story is something different and trickier. Trickier is only if you are keenly interested in your four-legged friend's comfort and its safety. It should be the owner's responsibility to take care of their pet’s wardrobe stuff or daily wearable essentials.