A dog’s body language speaks volumes about how they’re feeling, which can help you to understand them on a deeper level and make your relationship stronger. It can be tricky to figure out the meaning behind certain dog behaviors, but with some research and attention to detail, you’ll be able to decipher what your furry friend is trying to say! Here are nine things your dog’s body language is trying to tell you.

1) The look in your dog’s eyes reveals its intentions

If you’re a dog owner, you know how unnerving it can be when your pup won’t look you in the eye. But if your dog averts its gaze from yours, don’t immediately assume it’s up to no good; there are other explanations. It could just be that Fido is anxious or scared—or maybe even distracted by something behind you. Your dog can also display its intentions through body language such as tail wagging, ear positions and playfulness. For example, dogs that roll over onto their backs are showing complete submission and trust that you won't hurt them (that doesn't mean it's okay to pet them while they're down there). What else does Fido want? What do his eyes say?

2) Getting close to your dog will help you read their body language

If you're having a hard time understanding your dog's body language, try getting up close and personal. Think of it as putting on your own pair of dog-vision goggles! Pet them when they seem stressed out or anxious, and that should calm them down a bit. When you've got their attention, look for other signs that something may be off: dogs tend to lick their lips when nervous, move slowly (this comes from hanging around humans who are moving quickly), and have wide eyes that make it seem like they're staring at you (even if they're not). Be wary if your pet tucks his tail away from his rear end—it could mean he thinks he's in trouble!

3) The position of a dog’s ears reveals how they are feeling

The position of a dog’s ears can indicate how they are feeling. When one ear is forward and one ear back, it means that your dog may not trust what you’re saying. However, if both ears are turned in your direction, it indicates that your dog trusts you. Another tell-tale sign of how dogs feel toward you comes from their tails. If a dog wags his tail high up into the air when approaching you, it means he feels very positive about seeing you; however, if his tail isn’t up in an arc and instead hangs down low between his legs (or even behind him), he may be feeling anxious or fearful toward what he might encounter while getting close to you.

4) When dogs lie down, they can mean one of two things

Either they're in a submissive position, or they feel comfortable and relaxed around you. What makes things tricky is that their body language can look similar when they're showing either of these feelings—which means if you don't know your pup well, you may misinterpret his signals. The good news? By training yourself to interpret certain cues, you'll soon be able to tell what he's feeling by observing his posture and facial expressions. Read on for tips on how to tell whether your dog feels dominant, submissive or friendly when he lies down.

5) A tail wag can tell you what your dog is thinking and feeling

A tail wag can communicate joy, happiness, a threat of aggression and more. Though most owners are familiar with a dog’s happy tail wag (which often occurs when they’re greeting you at the door), many don’t realize that dogs also wag their tails in other contexts, too. A dog wagging its tail may not always be an indication of friendliness. Here are some situations in which your dog might be giving you subtle signals

6) What if I think my dog is sick?

If you think your dog needs to see a vet, call or visit one as soon as possible. Untreated health problems can quickly get worse and may cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in medical care. It’s always better to catch a problem early so that you can avoid more serious consequences. If your pet does have an illness or injury, make sure you take them for professional treatment instead of trying to diagnose or treat their condition yourself. Every year, thousands of pets are killed by untrained owners who attempt DIY treatment at home; if something goes wrong and their animal ends up hurt or worse because they didn’t know what they were doing, it’s on them and no one else.

7) What does it mean when my dog licks me?

Dogs lick each other as a greeting, but sometimes they also lick their owners. Although it may look like a show of affection, your dog’s licking could be masking something else. Dogs don’t sweat through their skin like humans do, so when they need to cool down they open their mouths and pant heavily. Just because Fido’s mouth is wide open doesn’t mean he likes you. In fact, if he licks you while in an elevated position—say on your bed or couch—he may be taking advantage of his height advantage to show dominance over you.

8) Why does my dog sniff other dogs?

Dogs are incredibly social animals, and they depend on their owners and each other for a variety of different social signals. While we don't yet fully understand how dogs perceive these signals, there is no doubt that they play an important role in everyday life. By paying attention to your dog's body language, you'll be able to gain valuable insight into what he or she wants -- and doesn't want -- from other dogs. Dogs use multiple forms of non-verbal communication, including facial expressions, eye contact and body posture. All of these factors contribute to determining whether another dog will have a positive experience with them or not.

9) Dogs communicate through play

Dogs have a few ways they like to tell you how they’re feeling. Play can be an important indicator of how well your dog is feeling, and it’s often overlooked. Sure, play can sometimes be rough—but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a sign of affection. Other types of play—like fetching or tug-of-war—can be a display of protection or even exercise; dogs chase and pull because it works their muscles! If your dog comes running when you call their name, they may be trying to play with you! Take time every day to play with your pup and learn more about what they want.

That was it for this blog, we hope you find it interesting and value-adding. The next time you see your dog doing any of these actions you know what they actually mean!

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Peace Out

Written by Himanshu Tripathi

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